C2409A: Raising the Bar - Master Class
Take your art to a new level! Andrew Hamilton, one of our most highly regarded teachers, is adept at teaching all painting approaches and styles. You can "mix it up" and try your hand at mixed media, collage and mono printing. This course is designed for the intermediate to advanced artist.
Starts September 30, 2024
$215.63 Non-Members
PACE, 201 McDonnel St. – Room 17, Peterborough ON K9H 2W1
Dates: September 30, 2024 - November 11, 2024
Total of 5 sessions:
Monday, September 30
Monday October 7
Monday, October 21
Monday, October 28
Monday, November 4
The five-week course will cover the following:
CHALLENGES AND SOLUTIONS – talk about those pesky aspects of your work that you can’t seem to remedy, or perhaps find out that those issues are actually inviting you to paint a new way.
TIPS AND TRICKS FOR PERSPECTIVE AND PLACEMENT — the X, Y and Z and other ways of working the canvas!
INTRODUCING PEOPLE TO YOUR WORK — How and when and where?
CHANNELING PAINTERS THAT YOU LOVE — Work on styling your work, based inspiration. Bring a sample master work for discussion. What is inspiring you? How can you integrate that inspiration into your own creations.
TAKE ON THE NEW! This is a two-part class to finish the course wherein Andrew will guide you through painting a subject matter you have considered “too difficult”. Your choice of Media.
Artists should bring materials and ready canvases or other substrates that they wish to use in this experimental and fun advanced studio. For the first class Andrew has suggested that you bring your regular painting supplies. Please do NOT bring CADMIUM PAINT COLOURS OR COBALT BLUE or solvents (for oil paint) with fumes because of their toxicity levels. For oil paints, linseed oil and/or baby oil is recommended.